Daniel Phelps
Art & Design
Dimensional Interpretation: 3DTechnologies vs. Popular Culture
Technology will never succeed in recreating the richness that the five senses deliver our brain to interpret our world. The human race’s innate ability to capture an orthographic record of our experiences has progressed over the millennia in the pursuit of an image that represents the most accurate depiction available during that particular…
Augmented Intermediate Layers Demo
Conclusion of work at Oak Ridge National Laboratory on my research into transparent screens for Augmented Reality applications for the applied sciences. Presentation arranged for, and given to, the 80+ members of Visual Informatics for Science and Technology Advances (VISTA) Lab at ORNL. This work would become the basis for my MC and Ph.D work…
Peripheral Visions iPad Installation
This piece used a Jailbroken iPad and heavily modified Prezi presentation software. Prezi and automated hacking tools to morph the consumer software into an installation platform Hundreds of HQ scans and videos were “borrowed” from the NYPLibrary via pocket scanner over 3 months. Curated by Maria Antonella Pelizzari and with the help of curatorial assistants,…
The iPhoneoscope, Patent Application
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1ECuy3TvfAhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cigWAU-21Fg Patent PDF Download The significance of this attempt is most critical when judged against my professional growth. The iPhonoscope was the start of creating and employing new creative tools into all of my work. This project was founded under the idea that we would use our phones as 3D viewers and augmented displays. The…
Rapid Prototyping for NASA Competitions in Higher Education
Originally presented at the Construct3D Conference, Duke University. May 7th, 2017
Stereoscopic Video Rig
This 3D rig is the 3rd generation of mounts I have built for various cameras. It uses interchangeable cameras and custom mounts for a variety of uses. I currently have 2 HD cameras and 2 Standard definition cameras in this rig. It is upgradeable, so as new cameras are introduced, a simple mount can be…
MedizDroids Project
MedizDroids Project: Ultra-Low Cost, Low-Altitude, Affordable and Sustainable UAV Multicopter Drones For Mosquito Vector Control in Malaria Disease Management Management. IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Journal 2014. (2014) Co-Author & Presenter. The goal of the MedizDroid Project is to research the affordable and sustainable use of aerial platforms (UAV, UAS, MAVs, drones, multi-copters and multi-rotors), briefly malaria mosquito…