Daniel Phelps
Art & Design
The Reality of Experimental Reality Games: Georgia Game Developers Association
https://danielphelps.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Phelps_Prana_Reverb_PreViz_Full.m4v The natural world versus the urban environment. Over the past several hundred years, urban planning has reclaimed land once attuned to nature. Some instances of urbanization have tried to incorporate and respect the natural landscape, attempting to be an addendum to our world. Other designs had no intention to integrate open space, organic matter,…
Digital Pinball; A Design Intervention
Presentation at The University of Mary Washington. Fredericksburg Virginia, June 7th, 2023. This presentation will focus on the online communities supporting the pinball arts, from vintage classic restoration, and user experience preservation, to custom Visual Pinball (vPin) cabinet making. These online communities are a fast-growing subculture of the pinball world. User-generated content drives playfield design,…
An Argument for Labor Training in Mixed Realities and Underserved Communities
There is currently an extreme need for tradespeople throughout the country, especially in Georgia’s manufacturing sector. At the same time, the unemployment or underemployment rate in urban areas has skyrocketed to all-time highs for those in poverty. Can solutions to be found using modern training technologies to get people out of poverty and into well-paying…
Anamorphic Dualities
Created By Daniel Phelps, this piece of digital art that utilizes an inverted LED screen mounted under a bridge that connects two buildings. This “Media Bridge” is located on the Georgia Tech campus, connecting Clough and Crossland towers. This anamorphic piece will eventually incorporate user tracking to give audiences a “holographic” effect, converting the structure’s…
Wonderglove, Physical Augmented Intermediate Layer
PDF Download Design Statement: To develop an intermediate layer between invisible forces in our world and connect it with our senses. Specifically, EM fields and our sense of touch. Believing that all things are connected, the physical, metaphysical, conscious and unconscious. Take the magnetosphere. It envelops the planet and protects us from radiation, solar flares…
AR Layers & Oak Ridge National Laboratory
PDF Download In my exploration, I have defined a class of XR that embodies the passive integration of our digital and physical worlds. Finding examples and building them myself, an Augmented Intermediate Layer (AIL) is defined as an unobtrusive overlay of digital information modifying our physical world. The term, Augmented Intermediate Layer, has its genesis…
Dimensional Interpretation: 3DTechnologies vs. Popular Culture
Technology will never succeed in recreating the richness that the five senses deliver our brain to interpret our world. The human race’s innate ability to capture an orthographic record of our experiences has progressed over the millennia in the pursuit of an image that represents the most accurate depiction available during that particular…
Augmented Intermediate Layers Demo
Conclusion of work at Oak Ridge National Laboratory on my research into transparent screens for Augmented Reality applications for the applied sciences. Presentation arranged for, and given to, the 80+ members of Visual Informatics for Science and Technology Advances (VISTA) Lab at ORNL. This work would become the basis for my MC and Ph.D work…
The iPhoneoscope, Patent Application
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1ECuy3TvfAhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cigWAU-21Fg Patent PDF Download The significance of this attempt is most critical when judged against my professional growth. The iPhonoscope was the start of creating and employing new creative tools into all of my work. This project was founded under the idea that we would use our phones as 3D viewers and augmented displays. The…